Wednesday, 29 January 2014

I went on a holiday and came back tired!

Went down to see my mum on the farm I love it down there and so do the kids we had a great time and went to stay at the beach for a few days so why am I so damn tired ! 

Peanut and Shrimples enjoying the beach 

Exploring the rocks 

Nynie getting sniped by a dead crab 

Me floating in peace 

one of Shrimples many faces ! 

Chilling on the top of the slide 

Saturday, 25 January 2014

My friend needs your help

About 12 Months ago I met this amazing lady and her beautiful daughter, both of them immediately filled my heart with love and laughter.  Monkey is the funnist sausage. Her medical condition is far above my level of comprehension but basically her gut is just not working. In the last few months after an amazing year of improvements Monkeys condition has gone down hill she is now life support dependant. Her mum and Dad have never asked for financial help, But now they need help to buy a mygo seating system. I cant give alot but I wanted to share the link to her cause in case anyone out there was willing to donate even just a few dollars. If you cant I ask if you could please share with others.  Thanks 

PLEASE help Princess Mikenzee get her throne, The Mygro seating system

Thursday, 23 January 2014

He's Weird !!

He's weird, This is something I hear all the time from kids in the playground. 
They are right. He is weird, I get it, he knows that. 

But why is weird a bad thing? 

Why is weird something that makes children want to get away from him as fast as possible?

It hurts...... me, I have no idea if it hurts him but having people disappear as soon as you appear must effect you. It must make him less likely to try and be social. 

I dont know how to fix this, how to make this okay, how to teach them that he is okay, that he wont hurt them, That he might be Wierd but he is also Wonderful. 

Right now though he doesnt have the skills to be a friend, I get that. We are still working on it. In the mean time please dont run away so fast, please dont make it that obvious, Dont say he's wierd or strange please dont snigger or giggle at him.   

Burst !

Peanut corrected his speech therapist today while following 3 step instructions ! 

I live for moments like these ! 

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

I leave my pants by the front door

I leave my pants by the front door so on hot days (who am I kidding most days really) I can walk around with knickers and a singlet on. 
If someone knocks on my door its a simple as step into the pants and pull them up as I open the front door. 
If only I could get around the bra situation to work a bit easier.

- Pomfrit

Monday, 20 January 2014

The Blog is back

I dont know where to start I have been gone while  the year got hard not a Im gonna kill myself hard or a FML hard more of a slap my forehead and constant eye rolling sort of hard time. 

I will do some catch up in bullet point

  • School got hard - for peanut   
  • We brought a block of land
  • Shrimples did well at school 
  • I started Uni 
  • Backpacker did well at work 
  • Law suit came to an end
  • Peanut got merit award 
  • Shrimples counts to 200 
  • Peanut reads books 
  • Peanut became and over hugger 
  • We all had a great lazy Christmas
  • Backpacker and I realised we should really be saving more money 
  • Peanut had a HUGE language burst  - and an attitude problem came with it. 
  • Peanut turned 6 - Which Im pretty sure is where that attitude came from 
  • Shrimples got addicted to the xbox 
  • and now we are two weeks out of the start of the new school which already promises to be a better year 
so there you have it 9 months in a nutshell  =)