Tuesday, 6 November 2012

headless men and missing shoes

There has been some weird happening around here

First off is the missing shoe debarckle  !!  I got Peanut and Shrimples loads of cheap slip ons  in all sorts of colors and it seems now we have lots of left shoes but hardly any rights. They have gone missing.

and now  playing lego with the boys there are no heads left !! like over night there has been some sort of massacre and someone has stolen the heads as trophies !!! all our lego men are headless!!

Well  the boys are going to have to wait for shoes and heads  as money is super tight here at the moment and  Im okay with odd shoes and headless lego men.  Maybe Santa can help  us out ;)


  1. Sounds like you have gremlins, LOL! Good luck!

    1. Thanks I suspect gremlins too but before I accuse Im going to look under the couch =)
