Friday, 27 July 2012

Flash, Raven, Boop and Bee xxxx

We recently had to say goodbye to Peanut and Shrimples cousins and Aunt and Uncle (my brother).

They are moving to the other side of Australia and I wish them the best we don’t get to see them much any way being a 5 hour drive from each other but when the cuz’z get together it’s a blast. My brother Flash, is a hands on dad with his girls Boop (5) and Bee ( 3).  He runs after the kids lets them climb all over him and is genuinely hilarious to all children they love him always have. He is the dad at the park making all the kids laugh by playing the fool. Peanut usually takes a while to warm to people but Flash and Raven( my sister in law) have a way of cracking through Peanuts shell pretty darn fast.

So all the kids run around having a ball being eaten by monsters and dinosaurs and using up all their energy and imagination, we all get involved. We had a really great day but it was an emotional good bye (we are the sort of family they don’t need to live anywhere near each other to still be close) recently Flash and Raven have been having a not so great time. Flash damaged his ankle on the job over 4 years ago and its been pretty stressful on them all he has been the stay at home dad with the girls and doing some odd jobs here and there and Raven has been the main earner. Raven was offered a job over in Canberra and it was too good to miss out on. 

On friday the 13th (yep I know bad luck and all) two weeks before moving they found out Raven had Cancer yep the dreaded C word, Crappy crappy crapy ole Cancer. Raven had surgery on friday (for the second time in a few weeks) and will start on radiation therapy once they move to Canberra.

 It all looks like its going to turn out okay but its been a rough ride for them.

I guess this post of my way of acknowledging them and letting them know how proud of them I am. They just keep fighting and striving for the future with their amazing girls. 

Both Boop and Bee have hearts of gold, are really smart and incredibly beautiful and I know they will grown into amazing strong women. Xxxx 

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