Sunday, 8 July 2012

Pirate Peanut

Peanuts school photos were done about 2 months ago 2 days after he had a nasty incident with his face and the bookcase. The book case won!

So after all the other parents at schools shocked and horrified faces when they saw his puffy, protruding, black, blue and purple swelling with a slit in it where his eye once was, I thought it best I let him wear his pirate eye patch for his photos. Now I have this absolutely adorable photo of peanut in an eye patch grimacing, Its his first ever school photo and I am MEGA proud of him !!                                               Unfortunately they wouldn’t let him wear it for the class photo so I also have a picture of 8 miserable looking, 1 happy student sitting nicely on benches and peanut to the right sitting on the teachers lap looking as if he is having a spasm with the biggest cheesiest grin on his face. Meh what can you do. 


  1. Too cute! Hello, its courtney from a legion for Liam :)

  2. LOL! That's a great story, I bet he was adorable. Too bad they wouldn't let him wear for the school picture.
    --Amy (Mary from NLT's partner)

    1. Hi Amy =). Yeah it is to bad but we are changing schools soon where he will be in a special education early intervention unit so I think they will likely let him wear what ever he wants next year at this rate it will be a batman suit I think he even ears it to bed.

    2. Oh yay! I hope he loves his new school. And Batman is awesome. Did you ever see a few years ago when Victoria Beckham's youngest son (who was maybe 3 or 4 at the time) was always going out in public with her dressed up as something? He was Batman, Superman, a zoo keeper, he had dozens of different outfits and and she never seemed arsed by it. It was great!

  3. oh yes I remember that I thought it was awesome. Cameron when to school as a dragon once LOL Ewan was a frog all day once too. I still love dressing up ( you know for parties not in a kinky way LOL )
