Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Silence is underrated

Peanut goes through ups and downs like the rest of us. 

He has massive burst of improvements and then he stops still, stagnant or sometimes even goes backwards with some things. This time it started last week after he learnt to ride his bike. His scripting went up massively jargon came at me from every angle and bizarre kooky and strange noises came out of his mouth like Id never heard before. The teeth grinding escalated. There is never silence and for a child who can't communicate he sure never shuts up!.. does it drive me mad?  YEP you bet, Does it get on my nerves? YES. Do I want to  put tape over his mouth and just bask in the silence? yes I do *hangs head in shame* but I don't. What I do do is get frustrated I yell at him to please be quite and he apologizes and then I feel even worse he can't help it  he is not doing it to annoy me he is doing it cause his brain can't stop him or he has no idea its as annoying as it is.  He always goes like this for a few months before another burst but I never get used to it I always feel like we have taken a huge leap backwards.  But I have to remember where we were last year and its all positive and his social skills are coming on slowly. Today he  went and cuddled a stranger and was super affectionate to MURHface (friend since year 4) 

In other breaking news Peanuts got LICE !!! hair lice.. so  mummy took action and peanut now has a shaved head and tea tree oil covering his scalp.. I will win this war !!!  I may have had to shave peanut gorgeous thick hair but it will come back but I swear you may never come back BE GONE LICE BE GONE !!!  on a plus note he must have got very close to a kid at school to get it !!  whoop whoop maybe it was social contact.  And he still looks mega cute !! 


  1. Ack! Lice! *performs some crazy magic dance sure to ward off lice*

    I'm late on commenting, so I hope they've run their course by now.... Ugh!

  2. Lice!!!! Creepy lil buggers aren't they. Don't miss that part of LJ going to school, lol. As for the non stop talking and or vocal stimming. I know how u feel. I too get annoyed and sometimes get angry and then feel bad. You're not alone :)

  3. Lol.... Love the 'taping the mouth shut' thoughts...
    However Josh always went through periods of regression as he mastered a new skill and to be fair Jasi is trying to write and her behaviour has hit the floor! So I think it is a 'normal' thing for kids in general - it is just us parents who have the misfortune of taking the flack...

    Jill x

    1. Whahah Yes Jill, He going strong with this at the moment but not been feeling great. but he is also teaching himself to read read the word Autism Yesterday =) I think he now saves all his best behavior for school cause they push him so hard. I hear alot about kids being amazing at school and coming home and having a big release so the shit hits the fan. I think I might have one of those little people on my hands or perhaps two LOL cause Shrimples also he a terror after daycare
