ARGHHHHH NO NO NO NO NOOOOO thats all we are hearing of late, NO PANTS, NO SHOWER, NO DINNER, NO GO OUTSIDE and then the occasional, ITS MINE, GIVE IT BACK , GO AWAY. Its driving Back packer and I a little insane.... BUT .. there is aways a but with Autism, the teeth grinding has stopped, and he is talking alot more, and is clearer, he is playing more appropriately (when they are not fighting) and Shrimples and Peanut run through Scripts together acting them out as a team. I put all these NO's down to NO school.
He desperately wants to go to school he asks a few times a day which is great as this time last year I was convinced he was just not ready and he would hate it ( which was the case in first term ) but Im happy to say I was proved wrong, Peanut needs constant stimulation and he gets that at school and with therapies, Speech is starting back next thursday. Now he is at home while Mummy and Daddy are cleaning for rent inspection and prepping for Party. Today we are off to the lagoon for a swim in the morning and then having an antipasti and champers playdate in the afternoon ( champers for adults only of corse although that might give me a nice sleep in tomorrow), Moose and Ruby Gloom are well loved by both Peanut and Shrimples, Moose is a 3 year old Girl who acts alot like a boy in pretty dresses, Ruby Gloom and I have been friends since we were 8 or 9 and Moose has been around since she was born, so I wont be telling them until later today as Peanut will obsess about it all day.
Autism is so different from one kid to the other alot of kids with Autism need to be told of goings on way in advance social stories need to be made and such, Peanut you just got to throw things at! surprise him with good things ( if not you'd get come on lets go constantly in your ear for days) and shock him with the bad ( or it would be hell trying to get him to do what ever it was). We are working on all this with him at the moment we are talking about the party but not really saying when a very vague (next week) as yesterday Peanut got out the cake book and a chair and was ready to make some cake he actually took it pretty well when we packed it away, considering his mood of late. He is okay with change and no set routine but he is not okay with wanting to do something and not getting to do it or not wanting to do something and being made to do it, for now no social stories or preparation works for this we found first and then works best atm.
Im off now but Ill leave you with a picture of Peanut in his sulking position. Batman outfit on and off to his room to stare at the fan ! LOL I do love his unimpressed face.
So like Josh with the 'quick catch him by surprise' rather than planning and prepping him....