Thursday, 24 January 2013

Starting CEASE therapy soon !

So we went to the naturopath today for the first time in about 8 months, She is wonderful still trying to get me to do GFCF for Peanut but we tired it and I honestly saw no improvements but I saw more improvements when using Spectrum awakening, a probotic and cod liver oil. 

 Im sure diet helps alot of kids but its a long debate and I feel its just not for us. 

Another debate is the whole immunisation debate which is a minefield.  One thing which always comes back to me is when Peanut was 20 months old he got an infection and was put on Antibotics for 6-8 weeks and although I personally don't believe this was the cause it was definitely after that we saw big changes in him perhaps it was a trigger, its hard to tell as in his short life up until that point we had moved alot he had a little brother, I started back at work, we had to say goodbye to his dog and everything was rather unsettled.  
But I don't feel putting him on ABs for that long at that age was wise, I of corse had no idea at the time( done my research now though) and Shrimples was a sickly baby and I just wanted my biggest little man to get better, he was in a lot of pain with a massive lump in his groin.  Its actually the time he started toe walking ( which I put down to the pain in his groin) 

ANY WHOOOOOO  lol  my mum used to take us to the naturopath when we were younger so its something I believe in  (Backpacker does not) so once we got settled before Peanuts DX that was the place to go  we did lots of test which I also got similar ones from GP  ( as I believe both can be of benefit). Basically Peanut was high is toxins  Lead, mercury and some other  lovely goodies and had slight leaky gut we got it working well and he started school and I saw some great improvements with the goodies she offered us.  Peanut suffered anxities  going to school to start with first term it was horrible  so she made us up some homeopathic stuff which sorted that in 2 days!! just a few drops on his tongue a couple of times before school  or anything else were his anxiety skyrockets and we are good to go.   

So this brings us to now! Appointment today and she suggested we start CEASE its sounds a bit confusing reading about it online but when she explain it, it was simple and made sense since we both feel toxins are Peanuts biggest problem.  So we are awaiting the call so we can go and pick up all our good stuff and begin the program.

I don't expect a cure or a mircle, I would just like him to feel his best and if toxin are what is exacerbating some of his traits then Id like too see them settle down a bit, so he can be his best and concentrate more at school.  


  1. I have to admit, I don't know much about this stuff. We know at least that Little Miss's issues are caused by a combination of genetic mutation and brain injury -- there's no undoing either of those so we can only choose to push forward... You know what I mean?

    That said, I follow a terrific lady named Lana - who blogs at Along Came The Bird (check my blog sidebar for the link). She may be a resource for you (they have good reason to believe their daughter's symptoms are caused by a virus and do lot of therapy with alternate diet, etc.) Just a thought...and good luck!

    1. Thanks I will look into that blog =) I think its always a question " what caused this?" "why my child" even when you fully accept your child for the way they are, Its always a niggling Question in the back of my mind and if the gentic testing comes back clear it will be a mystery never to be solved. lol
