Wednesday 8 August 2012

Brothers and Best friends

So in the room next door there is a train table set up with mountains and dinosaurs and tunnels and bridges and Peanut and Shrimples are playing all sorts of amazing games, racing, rescuing, train stations, ticket booths, washing machines, boats carrying cars and trains.  They are playing together and it is the nicest sound in the world (even with peanuts high pitched squeals) they are role playing Peanut is role playing, pretend playing he is using scripts and songs but the interaction is great. 
Peanut gets stuck on one bit of the game and it becomes repetitive and Shrimples plays along and then together they mix it up and play a new sort of game. Its music to my ears no fighting, great sharing, lovely interaction and Im so so thankful. Thankful I have two healthy and amazing boys that have hearts of gold, thankful Shrimples came along and surprised us all when he did and blew all our plans out of the water and thankful that together they are saving me hundreds in speech and behavioral therapy
They can get irritating, like really irritating, each in there own separate ways but sometimes together its like GOLD its simple, its love and its real friendship.
  I know there will be days, weeks and maybe even years when they hate each other, they will fight, ignore each other, call each other nasty nasty NASTY names (probably alot of words that are yet to be thought up) and shoot evil glares at each other over the dinner table. So for now Im just going to enjoy the sounds of scripts, car noises, tooting trains, crashes, screeching brakes, stomping dinosaurs, washing machines, ticket booths and light and happy flapping. 

P.S  they look different in the picture cause they both had haircuts  xxx 


  1. That's really priceless. I'm glad they get on so well!

  2. Awwwww....... That's so sweet! Its wonderful they are so close and like eachother, too! And love the "haircuts" :)
