So this post is in two parts
One is the Therapy
focus ball we went to.
We won tickets to the
therapy focus ball and it was amazing
we dressed up and got drunk ( on free booze) and Danced ohh how we
danced Funny funny dancing I am so
Glad backpacker and I are still so young at heart. We made the best kind of
fools out of ourselves, chicken dance, Running man, Tango.
We didn’t know anyone
to start with but I met some amazing people. It was needed so much laughing and
So a big Thank you
again Therapy focus and to Nynie and Grandaddy whom paid for a night in a motel for us so we could sleep in and enjoy the ball not worrying or fighting over whom would drive home after all the access to free booze.
Two is Bikes bike bikes bikes for those of you that know me the fact
peanut can’t peddle has been a massive massive problem.
It sounds silly but
Peanut stands out and I adore him being himself I really do but anything I can
do at a parent to help there less things for kids to pick on and more things he can join in on the better and I guess riding a bike was
one of them, I also knew that once he got the knack of it he would love it.
So on this
journey we tries trikes, bikes, bikes, more trikes and some more
bikes. I would yell PEDDLE
PEDDLE PEDDLE to him (so much so that Peanut would scream it to any other kid when they were on a bike!) I tried bribes and tried special altercations to the peddles to holds his feet in.
Then we got some balance
bikes and the boys loved them and went bmxing and were so good that I forgot
about peddling for a while.
Saturday Peanuts bike shattered. So after an a angry email to the manufacturer
I headed to the local bike shop to talk to the man in charge and see what the deal was.
Do we
another blanace bike
buy a
cheap bike and hope he gets the hang of it or
buy a decent light weight bike and take
the peddles off to make it a balance bike until he is ready.
Well the guy was super
informative and told me its sounds like he is not far off and suggested some
great bikes all over $200 which since we have to buy 2 is WAY too much.
So yesterday we headed out
bike shopping we stopped at all the specialist bike shops and founds loads of
light weight bikes none of which Peanut would get on and all of which shrimples
wanted to take home and none of which we could afford.
We got to big W (department store) and saw
a small pirate bike reduced to $30 last one left so I pull it out shove the peddles on it and Shrimples
wants on! Shrimples starts
peddling away (he only just
learnt yes I know we are a family
of late peddlers but that’s okay) He announces it was Peanuts turn and Peanut hops on and cycles PEDDLES around the shop like a pro steering
So yep we take it even though its too small on the mid set that they can share it and it
might build Peanuts strength and confidence to ride a bigger bike so now we just
had to look around for a bigger bike cheap and hope he could ride it after a
few more shops we found a spider man bike with a transformer seat (not sure what happened there) We were all over shopping and Peanut
was crying and wanted the
bike, we thought it was too
heavy so I said if you cycle to the front you can have the bike ( he could ride
both a black and blue plain bikes that were in teh store). The store attendant hears so asked Peanut
if he wants a push to which Peanut screamed NO GO AWAY LET GO! She was freaked, I was laughing I explained he has autism and it was
the end of 4 hours of bike hunting at this point. In the end Peanut couldn’t ride it the tires were flat we
tried to convince him to pick the black or blue bike he could ride but he loved it and wanted it and I was knackered so I went against my better judgement and convinced them to let
me take the demo(two already
put together bikes was a bit of a score saved us either 2 hours putting them together fighting and listening to a screaming Peanut and Shrimples telling us to
hurry up and trying to help or $35 to get someone else to make them for us).
We got it home after a quick stop for take away
and pumping the tires up at the
servo (petrol station for those of
you overseas). Peanut was so
excited to see the spider man bike at home " my bike ... my spiderman bike" got on it and could not ride it so then they
fought over riding the tiny pirate bike. OH great what have I done! I give up going inside to sit on the couch for the first time it what seemed like for ever, Then about an hour later
Shrimples comes running in telling me Peanut is not letting him ride on the
spider man bike I thought he was confused so went to check and sure enough
there is peanut riding around on a bike that his feet can’t touch the ground.
So now they are fighting over the Big spider man bike as Shrimples wants to be
like Peanut even though he couldn't possibly ride it with his short legs! And this is why we
normally have 2 of everything exactly the
same !!!