Saturday 14 July 2012

I have a secret… SHHHH

 Don’t tell any one  but I just turned 30 !! I know I don’t look it from the stick figures drawings but yep Im 30 now the big 30  3…0 and I tell ya I feel no different at all.   The only change in the last few years is a swap from cover girls foundation to Maybelline age rewind. I still don’t use moisturizer even when I had the time I didn’t do it, its just not me I’m a natural beauty ( well thats what I tell myself) and to be honest my fatness stops my face looking wrinkly so its all good!

My lovely mum came up (she has a farm down south that makes some of the worlds best olive oil) Lets call her Nynie and she brought her dad with her, my Pop, popperoni, popicles. Who is 88 and one of the most amazing men I have ever met. The boys adore Nynie and Popperoni. So Im super excited to know they are in very capable and fun hands while Backpacker and I went to a 5 star hotel for the night Nynie took the boys to the Zoo and had to deal with a meltdown before leaving over a toolbelt having to be removed from peanut, which I know was hard for her to deal with to see him so upset over what for us is nothing is hard to watch.

She said the boys were good to be honest as long as they are alive and well when we reunite I don’t care if Shrimples was swimming with penguins and Peanut climbed into the lions den   what I don’t know wont hurt me. 

So Backpacker and I booked in to the hotel early bounced on the beds looked in every draw and cupboard and Backpacker sat at the inbuilt office pretending to transfer over a gazillion dollars into our bank account. We walked around the shops went for high tea and then met up with my AMAZING FRIENDS! We all went Bowling, on to dinner and ended singing like rock stars at karaoke.

So now it’s actually my birthday I am 30 and I’m waiting for nynie to return with peanut and shrimples cause I did really miss them. I’m also waiting for the hangover fairies to go away! and the housework fairies to come and clean this darn house cause as of tomorrow it is the start of all the Assessments from the Autism team, and I’m shitting a brink I really am. Super nervous and I get upset if I think about it too much. It’s been a long time coming but its still hard to think of Peanut with an official label. 


  1. Happy Birthday! Just wanted to drop a note that I'll be thinking about your day and I hope it all works out the best way possible.

  2. Happy (belated) birthday!
